Friday 2 April 2010


This is me the day i got caugh shop lifting.  The security guard told me he wouldn't call the police if I'd let him touch my breasts.

Most people shoplift from department stores, but shoplifters have also been caught in supermarkets, specialty shops, convenience stores and drug stores. Many admit to purchasing some items and stealing others during the same shopping trip.
Shoplifting addiction is usually associated with women, but statistics reveal that men shoplift just as often as their female counterparts. About 3/4 of all apprehended shoplifters are adults. However, most law enforcement officials believe a shoplifter is only caught once out of every 49 times he/she steals.
Statistics reveal that most people who shoplift do so not out of economic need or greed but in response to pressures and emotional issues in their lives.
We are living in the age of Winona Ryder and Enron. Anger and skepticism toward thievery abound.  But there is something else going on besides simple greed. People try to get ahead at any cost. People feel it's never enough. It's beyond money. It's beyond dollars and cents. 
It seems we, individually and collectively, feel an increasing emptiness.
The simplistic notion that shoplifting and stealing are merely legal or moral issues is wrong.
There appears to be more dishonesty than ever these days; yet, tougher laws, more sophisticated security systems, and endless moralism haven't reduced these offenses. In fact, they're on the rise.

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