Wednesday 9 June 2010

la bronca / the anger

i've been feeling so angsty these last couple of days, i feel like i have a ball of fire inside me and i want to fucking punch someone in the face and bite their ears off. it makes me feel like a sociopath.

desde hace algunos dias estoy con mucha bronca, siento que tengo una bola de fuego adentro y quiero romperle la cara a alguien y arrancarles las orejas de un mordisco. me siento como una sociopata.

bbf (going bananas)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is Pete from GPE, thought I'd drop by and check out ya blog!
    So what is it that's sending you crazy? Dissertation work or just things in general? Do you know anyone kind enough who would be happy to let you punch them to help you vent?! :)
