Wednesday, 24 March 2010

la necesidad de tener una pandilla.

tener una pandilla esta bueno porque te permite desarrollar tus ideas. cuando estas solo, y pensas demasiado, solo pensas desde tu punto de vista. quizas pensas que estas mirando las cosas desde diferente angulos, pero en realidad, solo las estas mirando desde uno pero con diferentes filtros (y ni siquiera hay garantia de eso). cuando pensas demasiado desde el mismo lugar, empezas a volverte un poco loco.
tener una pandilla tambien esta bueno porque hace que tengas una vida social mas activa. es verdad, es importante tener una vida interior rica, pero tambien es importante tener una vida social rica. somos animales sociales, y si nos falta eso, entonces estamos en desventaja en comparacion al resto del mundo.
tener una pandilla esta bueno por un monton de razones, pero sobre todo, porque extraño mi pandilla y necesito algo que me ocupe ese vacio espiritual. pandilleros: vengan a jugar conmigo.

the need of having a crew.

having a crew is cool because it allows you to develop your ideas further. when you are on your own and think too much about things, you only see them from your point of view. you might believe you are seeing them from different angles, but as a matter of fact you are only looking at them from one side but different filters (and there's not even a guarantee for that). when you think too much from the same angle, you start to go a bit crazy.
having a crew is also cool because it gives you a more active social life. it's true, it is important to have a rich inner life, but it's also important to have a rich social life. we are social animals and if we lack that then we are in disadvantage compared to anyone else.
having a crew is cool for many different reasons, but most of all because i miss my crew and i need something to occupy that spiritual void. to my crew: please come and play with me.

babyface 2010.