Truly ghetto, dark, punk/electro/hip-hop, combined with the funniest loser persona and a hot freaky girl called Yo-Landi.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Mr. Wilson Please
Dear Mr. Wilson:
I am currently following two Master programs: one in International Artistic Cooperation and one in Ethnoscenology. Over the last five years of Performance Arts studies and practice in Paris, I've come to the conclusion that creative spectacular practices are a privileged mean to construct a more cohesive, democratic society. You, amongst other great XXth century artists such as Arianne Mnouchkine, Eugenio Barba, Peter Brook, Tadeusz Kantor and Jerzy Grotowski, have contributed to chisel such vision.
I would be honoured to attend the 2010 Watermill Summer Program. I believe it would be a great opportunity to fuel and pursue my current International Artistic Cooperation project, aimed for 2011, which involves three three-month long performance workshops in Saint-Denis in France, Ganvié in Benin, and Salvador de Bahia in Brazil. These workshops are directed towards populations who would not normally have an access to such forms of education. Under the guidance of local practitioners and my team, the participants of the workshops will produce a spectacle based on a water-related myth, legend, or story of their choice. The whole project will be recorded and edited into a documentary format. The aim is to raise local and global awareness on the ecological, economical, and social challenges related to water.
Also, my Ethnoscenology practical master's thesis, « Le Scandale du Théâtre », focuses on a theater avant-garde guided by two directing lines: one going towards the future -new technologies, mixed media, major human mobility, cross-cultural creation- and one engraved in the past -the recovery of the secular knowledge of « how to get together »-, the communal celebration and its transcendence, as opposed to a spectacle considered only as entertainment.
I would feel privileged to attend the Watermill Summer Program, as I believe it would be a unique opportunity to put these ideas into practice and greatly help my thesis writing process and project realization. I also believe the program offered by the Watermill center is deeply in tune with my own hopes and expectations as a young theater maker: that artistic and creative collective forces transcend age, experience, social, religious and cultural differences, and as such must be encouraged and stimulated.
Sofia Senna
I am currently following two Master programs: one in International Artistic Cooperation and one in Ethnoscenology. Over the last five years of Performance Arts studies and practice in Paris, I've come to the conclusion that creative spectacular practices are a privileged mean to construct a more cohesive, democratic society. You, amongst other great XXth century artists such as Arianne Mnouchkine, Eugenio Barba, Peter Brook, Tadeusz Kantor and Jerzy Grotowski, have contributed to chisel such vision.
I would be honoured to attend the 2010 Watermill Summer Program. I believe it would be a great opportunity to fuel and pursue my current International Artistic Cooperation project, aimed for 2011, which involves three three-month long performance workshops in Saint-Denis in France, Ganvié in Benin, and Salvador de Bahia in Brazil. These workshops are directed towards populations who would not normally have an access to such forms of education. Under the guidance of local practitioners and my team, the participants of the workshops will produce a spectacle based on a water-related myth, legend, or story of their choice. The whole project will be recorded and edited into a documentary format. The aim is to raise local and global awareness on the ecological, economical, and social challenges related to water.
Also, my Ethnoscenology practical master's thesis, « Le Scandale du Théâtre », focuses on a theater avant-garde guided by two directing lines: one going towards the future -new technologies, mixed media, major human mobility, cross-cultural creation- and one engraved in the past -the recovery of the secular knowledge of « how to get together »-, the communal celebration and its transcendence, as opposed to a spectacle considered only as entertainment.
I would feel privileged to attend the Watermill Summer Program, as I believe it would be a unique opportunity to put these ideas into practice and greatly help my thesis writing process and project realization. I also believe the program offered by the Watermill center is deeply in tune with my own hopes and expectations as a young theater maker: that artistic and creative collective forces transcend age, experience, social, religious and cultural differences, and as such must be encouraged and stimulated.
Sofia Senna
Monday, 29 March 2010
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
insomnia 2.
5.26 am.
ps, i survived my hospital adventure and still have my appendix. i wasn't being dramatic though, i actually had quite a bad problem.

A few weeks ago i got an interview with this association called Lancelot Europe.
It is a very smart principle: they are hired by the owner of a unused building (it may be anything: a cinema, a theater, public showers, office building, etc. etc...) and legally rent the space to young people, so the place isn't squatted.
When I went to see them they told me not to get excited because they had a two year waiting list.
They called me yesterday. They had a place for me.
Ok, now read twice: it's an office building at Richard Lenoir, between Republique and Bastille. It's 7600m2 (81 806 square feet). Yes, that's right.
There'll be 14 of us living there. The sleeping rooms are 30m2 each (322 square feet). There is a terrace, a conference room with a 20m long solid wood table, a library, 2 kitchens, 5 floors... I was there for 40 min today and i think i didn't even get to see 25 % of it.
The best part: I pay 200 euros a month for all that.
So of course I'm not moving to Marcadet Poissonniers anymore. I really dreaded the moment of telling Camille and Alice, the roomates, that I was not gonna move in. I was really tempted to lie, say that I had to go out of the country, that I'd lost all my money, etc.... but i decided I had to tell the truth. They were great, understanding, friendly. So not parisiennes! I will stay in touch with them.
So now, so many doors are open. This place can become an amazing arts center where my friends and me can rehearse, CREATE and even showcase our productions.
Dear artist friend: you are invited too! Share your love. Bring plants. Stay over.
Thursday, 25 March 2010

hi there this is chamaco cowboy sucker mc
i just want to tell that habing a crew is really fun
i have one
u can gang out with your pots and make a lot of stuff, like eating mics in the streets or just lick sofias ass in the bathroom of the ferry who goes from buenos aires to colonia. thats the colonia express, that just works on holidays, from 1 march till 1st october
in argentina we have holidays just in that dates you know? the rest, we just work like asses in machines and offices in the downtown, just as av independencia and esmeralda, just so contability sound that...
i was saying that licking sofias ass is so great that mi fellas are so nuts with that men. sofia, you should know that, and you too helen because one day will be your turn. maybe if i go to london next year. by the way, you should read all this lines in english or even scottish accent, like begbie, when he talks to mark renton under the sabanas in the bed when mark is so fucked...
bye bye
see you soon
and remember, dont take life too seriously! just make coke lines
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
they think it has struck on my door. they are taking me to the hospital in 5 minutes. maybe i'll write the next post from my hospital bed. this sucks: i've always been afraid of hospitals and that.
with a heavy heart, from hassocks, uk.
with a heavy heart, from hassocks, uk.
la necesidad de tener una pandilla.
tener una pandilla esta bueno porque te permite desarrollar tus ideas. cuando estas solo, y pensas demasiado, solo pensas desde tu punto de vista. quizas pensas que estas mirando las cosas desde diferente angulos, pero en realidad, solo las estas mirando desde uno pero con diferentes filtros (y ni siquiera hay garantia de eso). cuando pensas demasiado desde el mismo lugar, empezas a volverte un poco loco.
tener una pandilla tambien esta bueno porque hace que tengas una vida social mas activa. es verdad, es importante tener una vida interior rica, pero tambien es importante tener una vida social rica. somos animales sociales, y si nos falta eso, entonces estamos en desventaja en comparacion al resto del mundo.
tener una pandilla esta bueno por un monton de razones, pero sobre todo, porque extraño mi pandilla y necesito algo que me ocupe ese vacio espiritual. pandilleros: vengan a jugar conmigo.
the need of having a crew.
having a crew is cool because it allows you to develop your ideas further. when you are on your own and think too much about things, you only see them from your point of view. you might believe you are seeing them from different angles, but as a matter of fact you are only looking at them from one side but different filters (and there's not even a guarantee for that). when you think too much from the same angle, you start to go a bit crazy.
having a crew is also cool because it gives you a more active social life. it's true, it is important to have a rich inner life, but it's also important to have a rich social life. we are social animals and if we lack that then we are in disadvantage compared to anyone else.
having a crew is cool for many different reasons, but most of all because i miss my crew and i need something to occupy that spiritual void. to my crew: please come and play with me.
babyface 2010.
tener una pandilla tambien esta bueno porque hace que tengas una vida social mas activa. es verdad, es importante tener una vida interior rica, pero tambien es importante tener una vida social rica. somos animales sociales, y si nos falta eso, entonces estamos en desventaja en comparacion al resto del mundo.
tener una pandilla esta bueno por un monton de razones, pero sobre todo, porque extraño mi pandilla y necesito algo que me ocupe ese vacio espiritual. pandilleros: vengan a jugar conmigo.
the need of having a crew.
having a crew is cool because it allows you to develop your ideas further. when you are on your own and think too much about things, you only see them from your point of view. you might believe you are seeing them from different angles, but as a matter of fact you are only looking at them from one side but different filters (and there's not even a guarantee for that). when you think too much from the same angle, you start to go a bit crazy.
having a crew is also cool because it gives you a more active social life. it's true, it is important to have a rich inner life, but it's also important to have a rich social life. we are social animals and if we lack that then we are in disadvantage compared to anyone else.
having a crew is cool for many different reasons, but most of all because i miss my crew and i need something to occupy that spiritual void. to my crew: please come and play with me.
babyface 2010.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Heya i have the solution!!!! it came directly from divinity mailing box to my mailing box
mas cuestiones existenciales.
first english attempt at organizing my thoughts failed, so i came back to my roots and did it in spanish. here go both videos all the same.
Sunday, 21 March 2010

Encontré una casa para vivir! Por fin, después de siete largos meses, encontré una casa para vivir.
Es especial la sensación de no tener casa. Llegó un momento en el que cierto motor en mi llego a una velocidad constante. A ese ritmo (un ritmo medio cabeza, de fiesta, high), yo merodeé sin parar por la bipolar ciudad de París. París, que aprendí a conocer como nunca en estos meses desanclados.
Hay toda una historia sobre mi nueva casa. Resulta que cuando la fui a visitar la semana pasada, me di cuenta que ya había visitado ese lugar, en 2006. Los colocatarios de entonces le dieron el si a Camille, quien me lo dió ahora, tres años después. ¿Que locura, no?
Anyways, aqui como llegar si algún dia me quieren tocar el timbre con un pan dulce.
I found a place to live! Finally, after seven long months, i found a place to live.
The feeling you get from not having a place is special. I got to a point where some kind of engine in me achieved this constant velocity. To that rythm (this kind of feisty, party-appealing high), i roamed the streets of the bipolar city of Paris. Paris, that i got to know like never before in these weighless months.
There's a whole story about mi new house. It turns out that when i visited it last week, i realised that I had already visited that place, in 2006. The ancient roomates said yes to Camille, who is the one who said yes to me now, three years later. Isn't that crazy?
Anyways, here's how to get there if you ever wanna come ring the bell with some hot dogs.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Monday, 15 March 2010

yo soy la tercera, la violinista, la solitaria que vive del otro lado del charco. esto es una realidad: el canal ingles, o canal de la mancha, es del tamanio de un charco.
como mis amigos en paris (joe y leclet), estoy deprimida y este es mi aporte para los rayos del sol. que hacer? como hacer? es la edad? es la situacion? que nos pasa?
para olvidar, let's dance.
i am the third one, the violin player, the lonely one living across the pond. this is a reality: the english channel, or canal de la manche, is the size of a pond.
like my friends in paris (joe and leclet), i am depressed and this is my contribution for the sunshine. what to do? how to do it? is it the age? is it the situation? what is happening to us?
to forget, let's dance.
Erectione porro, utt supra, canonico peracta, rector paroeciae,
sive parochus, sive vicarius oeconoraus obligatione tenentur applicandae
Sunday, 14 March 2010
just the other night
Desde la lirica parisina
Para marina counduros, todos los pibes y las pibes a bailar con la cola para arriba, bien para arriba y luego pabaho, pabaho, pabaho.. Guerrilla team, los colores de glew en saturacion alterada, sin mascaras de por medio, con el croto bien enganchado a la bragueta, guarda samantha que no se te escape que todos necesitamos farmacias en epocas de cambio... cambio... cambio es lo que necesitamos todos... un cambio.. por el bien del pueblo de glew y sus colores... sus colores siempre brillaran...
Viva Glew, viva Gladys, y viva el glamour de los pueblos.
Este escrito escribido por Sergio en Entre Rios nos trae la gran alegria y esperanza que siempre necesitamos en esos momentos de compasion y matambre. Todavia recordamos cuando comprabamos los 300 gramos de crudo y el paquete de polenta, que no venia tan harinoso como ahora, en la verduleria que puso en su casa, ya por el 72 cuando Domingo nos venia a saludar hasta el barrio, para luego ir a trabajar a la casa rosada.
Dj dero dixit Lagos de Palermo 1998

23 años fresquitos.
Este blog lo hicimos con mi amigo el Joe y mi amiga la Babyface porque estabamos muy deprimidos y teniamos ganas de mandar un rashito de sol a la superficie real en la que caminamos todos, usando una plataforma virtual.
Hey whasup my name is Sofia.
fresh 23 years old.
We made this blog with my friend Joe and my friend Babyface because we were feeling blue and we wanted to send a ray of sunshine to the real surface on which we all walk, using a virtual platform.
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