i love this video che
paris i miss you
leclet i miss you
helen i miss you
nessa i miss you
maeve (like jeans says) i miss you
laura, james, aris, lazaroto, long etc
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Icy Spicy Leoncie
This woman is a fucking genius.
This is her description on youtube
LEONCIE is a Musical Wizard and her musical work is that of a Staggering Genius.Many People say that.
She's an awesome entertainer full of surprises and does'nt give a damn for Useless Lying Jealous Critics and won't allow anyone to force her to be what they want and Lord it's been tried. Leoncie's got her own Individual Identity in Music which makes her Outstanding and Evergreen.
Her Original Fresh music is a lovely range of aggressive and yet soul touching sensual melodies,which is a Stunning blend of Rock, Blues, Jazz, Soul,Powerpop fusion,combined with beautiful sounds from all over the world,like India, Europe, America, Country Western, creating an enormous musical package which leaves her audiences spellbound. Leoncie is very versatile,an all round entertainer and a superb pianist. Years ago her Music Coach told her JUST CREATE, create and don't care about anyone else. Leoncie has been on many Radio and TV stations worldwide and can entertain people without any lame props. She sings Soul touching ballads, Country rock-pop, Wild Raunchy Rock with her Fiery hot voice. Listen to WRESTLER, a bone crushing rock song,
Killer In The Park, Vegetarian,No Cholesterol Ho!
Leoncie has a strong Jazz musical background coming from a family of superb jazz musicians. Professionally trained in Classical and Jazz music she loves creating her own brand of incredible music.
A Fascinating Conversationalist Leoncie will make you laugh. Her favourite Superhero is INVISIBLE GIRL, loved by many. Her music is an Exhilerating experience.
With vocals ranging from high to an amazing low..
she's been compared to Tina Turner, Shirley Bassey etc.
Hear SEX CRAZY COP.What a Performance. Leoncie spends countless hours perfecting her music before recording in studios,anywhere in the world and after every tiny detail,is perfectly arranged, she produces and performs her music, like a genius.Studio Engineers are always amazed at her speed.
www.cdbaby.com/leoncie5 is PUKKI BOLLYWOOD BABY
Leoncie says" Noone Ever put anything on a Plate and gave it to me". Her success is solely due to the fact that she has worked extremely hard, and professionally at everything she does,despite inteference from Warblers,Pirates, Racists Haters,always drowning in a Hate Filled Existence with their False, Libellous, Unfounded Lies,Hallucinations and Propaganda on the Internet. Mainstream music is not about talent,It's about Wannabees,Corrupt politics and Connections.They go crazy with jealousy when something independantly new arrives.
Leoncie is a Yoga wizard beleiving in the Supreme Force Beyond the superconcious mind.Her Music has no speed limits and She moves according to her will, enjoying every minute of creating fantastic songs,like TEENAGE BOY IN TOWN with SolidGold lyrics making Leoncie the hottest artist in independant music today.
When No Door Of Opportunity Appears,People, Break through the wall and Open One. Great Feeling!
"Who really cares Who's up and down, the richest peoples list? It's the bottom of the ocean to me. Everyday above ground is a Very Successful Day".
Noone comes close to Leoncie's Magic.
She's kind, donates money from her performances to charities while hostile and Insane people always criticise, because they cannot create anything.
Request your favourite Leoncie's Songs on Local Radio and Internet stations, and enjoy, Brilliant fresh Music.
In The Film,Story From Brooklyn"A Friend For Rainy Weather 2, Leoncie co-wrote and sang the "Title Song" in that fantastic Czech film. A Must see Film. Don't Miss it.
She writes songs in English,Hindi, Konkani/ Portuguese ,Danish,Icelandic,and also sings in all of them.
Her songs are played on Radio and TV Stations in many countries, because it's different from todays nonsense.
Leoncie is That! Damn! Good!
Every song she composes,creates,produces and performs is an exciting movie.You See that in her videos.
It's Impossible for Good voices to be heard above the noise these days, it's about WHO shouts loudest,WHO has the best Gimmick, WHO has connections.
It''s LEONCIE who received Standing Ovation at the Scandinavia House in NYC for her music videos and not the overpromoted government darlings.
LEONCIE's shining humour,stunning lyrics,uptempo music will elevate your mood with her Invisible Girl,Teenage Boy In Town,Man Lets have Fun, WILD AMERICAN SHERIFF Come On Viktor,and Vegetarian, No Cholesterol Ho!
This is her description on youtube
LEONCIE is a Musical Wizard and her musical work is that of a Staggering Genius.Many People say that.
She's an awesome entertainer full of surprises and does'nt give a damn for Useless Lying Jealous Critics and won't allow anyone to force her to be what they want and Lord it's been tried. Leoncie's got her own Individual Identity in Music which makes her Outstanding and Evergreen.
Her Original Fresh music is a lovely range of aggressive and yet soul touching sensual melodies,which is a Stunning blend of Rock, Blues, Jazz, Soul,Powerpop fusion,combined with beautiful sounds from all over the world,like India, Europe, America, Country Western, creating an enormous musical package which leaves her audiences spellbound. Leoncie is very versatile,an all round entertainer and a superb pianist. Years ago her Music Coach told her JUST CREATE, create and don't care about anyone else. Leoncie has been on many Radio and TV stations worldwide and can entertain people without any lame props. She sings Soul touching ballads, Country rock-pop, Wild Raunchy Rock with her Fiery hot voice. Listen to WRESTLER, a bone crushing rock song,
Killer In The Park, Vegetarian,No Cholesterol Ho!
Leoncie has a strong Jazz musical background coming from a family of superb jazz musicians. Professionally trained in Classical and Jazz music she loves creating her own brand of incredible music.
A Fascinating Conversationalist Leoncie will make you laugh. Her favourite Superhero is INVISIBLE GIRL, loved by many. Her music is an Exhilerating experience.
With vocals ranging from high to an amazing low..
she's been compared to Tina Turner, Shirley Bassey etc.
Hear SEX CRAZY COP.What a Performance. Leoncie spends countless hours perfecting her music before recording in studios,anywhere in the world and after every tiny detail,is perfectly arranged, she produces and performs her music, like a genius.Studio Engineers are always amazed at her speed.
www.cdbaby.com/leoncie5 is PUKKI BOLLYWOOD BABY
Leoncie says" Noone Ever put anything on a Plate and gave it to me". Her success is solely due to the fact that she has worked extremely hard, and professionally at everything she does,despite inteference from Warblers,Pirates, Racists Haters,always drowning in a Hate Filled Existence with their False, Libellous, Unfounded Lies,Hallucinations and Propaganda on the Internet. Mainstream music is not about talent,It's about Wannabees,Corrupt politics and Connections.They go crazy with jealousy when something independantly new arrives.
Leoncie is a Yoga wizard beleiving in the Supreme Force Beyond the superconcious mind.Her Music has no speed limits and She moves according to her will, enjoying every minute of creating fantastic songs,like TEENAGE BOY IN TOWN with SolidGold lyrics making Leoncie the hottest artist in independant music today.
When No Door Of Opportunity Appears,People, Break through the wall and Open One. Great Feeling!
"Who really cares Who's up and down, the richest peoples list? It's the bottom of the ocean to me. Everyday above ground is a Very Successful Day".
Noone comes close to Leoncie's Magic.
She's kind, donates money from her performances to charities while hostile and Insane people always criticise, because they cannot create anything.
Request your favourite Leoncie's Songs on Local Radio and Internet stations, and enjoy, Brilliant fresh Music.
In The Film,Story From Brooklyn"A Friend For Rainy Weather 2, Leoncie co-wrote and sang the "Title Song" in that fantastic Czech film. A Must see Film. Don't Miss it.
She writes songs in English,Hindi, Konkani/ Portuguese ,Danish,Icelandic,and also sings in all of them.
Her songs are played on Radio and TV Stations in many countries, because it's different from todays nonsense.
Leoncie is That! Damn! Good!
Every song she composes,creates,produces and performs is an exciting movie.You See that in her videos.
It's Impossible for Good voices to be heard above the noise these days, it's about WHO shouts loudest,WHO has the best Gimmick, WHO has connections.
It''s LEONCIE who received Standing Ovation at the Scandinavia House in NYC for her music videos and not the overpromoted government darlings.
LEONCIE's shining humour,stunning lyrics,uptempo music will elevate your mood with her Invisible Girl,Teenage Boy In Town,Man Lets have Fun, WILD AMERICAN SHERIFF Come On Viktor,and Vegetarian, No Cholesterol Ho!
Monday, 23 August 2010
Friday, 20 August 2010
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Monday, 16 August 2010
Gucci tilts ma Cuchi (the copenhaguen adventures)
below: nessa was willing to pay 500 kr for this. what do you think?
An Empire Is Born
Copenhaguen, 2010.
Pantheonic Empire did it again.
On the occasion of Freaky Friday's Grotesque Burlesque Party, Pantheonic Empire came up with interactive performances that made peoples go crazy... blood on the dancefloor. Literally (-fake blood that is-Nessa and I came up with this old gipsy lady strip-tease number. We took off layer after layer of maternity clothing, only to reveal two blood thirsty vampirellas in leopard print bathing suits).
Coming from London, Paris and New York, we all reunited in Copenhaguen Sout Harbour's cultural pride, Illutron. This amazing art space granted an optimal creative ambiance for us to engineer the Burlesque Party mayhem. We wanted to make the audience laugh at us and at themselves, and finally blur that line between performer and spectator to all come together on the dancefloor. And, fok, we succeeded!

Pantheonic Empire did it again.
On the occasion of Freaky Friday's Grotesque Burlesque Party, Pantheonic Empire came up with interactive performances that made peoples go crazy... blood on the dancefloor. Literally (-fake blood that is-Nessa and I came up with this old gipsy lady strip-tease number. We took off layer after layer of maternity clothing, only to reveal two blood thirsty vampirellas in leopard print bathing suits).
Coming from London, Paris and New York, we all reunited in Copenhaguen Sout Harbour's cultural pride, Illutron. This amazing art space granted an optimal creative ambiance for us to engineer the Burlesque Party mayhem. We wanted to make the audience laugh at us and at themselves, and finally blur that line between performer and spectator to all come together on the dancefloor. And, fok, we succeeded!
the barge, Illutron
rehearsing to the sound of Pon de Floor
the Dying Grannies... they want to die on stage
Carley as Pantheonic Queen
Izzy to the sound of Pon de Floor-the real deal-
below India and her Trapeze Spoilt Brat

the group about to open the partay
Carley doing scary sexy medical strip-tease
fok, you've never seen something quite like it!
Costumes were -impeccably- tailored by Carley Hague and Isobel Webster.
Coming soon to your hometown, bewaaaaaaaaare!
you'll be entertained to death.
"glew es muy turbio"
Una persona detenida tras el asesinato de otro policía bonaerense en Glew
La víctima recibió dos disparos de un arma reglamentaria; las hipótesis apuntan a un colega de la fuerza; ya son 15 los efectivos fallecidos en lo que va del año; fuentes policiales confirmaron a lanacion.com la detención
Domingo 15 de agosto de 2010
Un policía bonaerense de 23 años fue asesinado en un confuso episodio en la localidad de Glew, al parecer por otro colega de la fuerza de seguridad, por lo que se montó un operativo para dar con el autor del crimen, que se encuentra prófugo.
La víctima, Walter Benguria, un teniente que se desempañaba al frente de la oficina de judiciales de la comisaría 1º de Lomas de Zamora, fue acribillado con dos disparos de un arma reglamentaria en el barrio privado del gremio Unión Personal Civil de la Nación (UPCN).
Allí, al parecer acompañó a un colega que tenía problemas de adicción y según testigos del barrio una discusión entre ambos pudo generar el crimen del joven agente policial.
El jefe de la Superintendencia Zona Sur, Roberto Castronuovo, señaló esta mañana que "está avanzada la investigación y bastante clarificado en la causa el móvil del hecho y cuál es el autor" del crimen perpetrado durante la madrugada.
Detención. Esta tarde fuentes policiales aseguraron a lanacion.com que detuvieron a un hombre por el hecho. Según detallaron, para el arresto se constituyó una comisión integrada por la Departamental de Lanús y la Distrital de Almirante Brown que libró una orden de detención para el imputado destinada a los efectivos de la provincia de Santa Fe
Según informaron las fuentes consultadas el sospechoso fue seguido desde Retiro hasta la localidad de San Justo en esa provincia en donde se efectivizó el arresto en las primeras horas de esta tarde.
Por otra parte, la madre de Walter Benguria reclamó a la justicia el esclarecimiento del crimen y cuestionó a la fuerza de seguridad por no contener a los agentes que atraviesan situaciones problemáticas.
La mujer reveló que tiempo atrás fue asesinado su hijo mayor, que tenía 24 años y también era policía, y remarcó que ese caso "quedó sin justicia porque la persona que lo mató aún está en la fuerza".
Con esta nueva víctima, ya son ocho los policías bonaerenses asesinados en lo que va del año, en tanto que suman 15 si se tienen en cuenta los efectivos de la Policía Federal abatidos.
A person detained following the murder of another police officer in Buenos Aires Glew
The victim was shot twice from a service weapon, the scenarios point to a colleague of force and are 15 troops killed so far this year, police sources confirmed to the arrest lanacion.com
Sunday August 15, 2010
A Buenos Aires police, 23, was killed in a confusing episode in the town of Glew, apparently by a colleague of the security force, so that mounted an operation to find the perpetrator, who is a fugitive.
The victim, Walter Benguria, a lieutenant who serves as head of the office's judicial police 1 Lomas de Zamora, was gunned down with two shots from a gun regulation in the private neighborhood Guild Union Civilian Personnel Office (UPCN .)
There, apparently accompanied a colleague who had addiction problems and neighborhood witnesses said an argument between the two could have created the crime of the young police officer.
The head of the South Area Superintendent, Roberto Castronuovo said this morning that "it is quite advanced research and clarified in the case on a motive and what is the author of" The crime committed during the night.
Detention. This afternoon, police sources lanacion.com assured that a man arrested by the offense. As detailed, for the arrest constituted a committee formed by the Departmental and District Lanús Almirante Brown waged a warrant for the accused for the troops in the province of Santa Fe
According to the sources reported the suspect was followed from Retiro to the town of San Justo in the province where the arrest became effective in the early hours this afternoon.
Moreover, the mother of Walter Benguria justice demanded clarification of the crime and questioned by security force agents contain no crossing problem situations.
revealed that long ago murdered his eldest son, who was 24 and was also a policeman, and remarked that that case "was no justice because the person who killed him is still in force."
With this new victim, and Buenos Aires are eight policemen killed so far this year, up 15 while taking into account the Federal Police officers killed.
La víctima recibió dos disparos de un arma reglamentaria; las hipótesis apuntan a un colega de la fuerza; ya son 15 los efectivos fallecidos en lo que va del año; fuentes policiales confirmaron a lanacion.com la detención
Domingo 15 de agosto de 2010
Un policía bonaerense de 23 años fue asesinado en un confuso episodio en la localidad de Glew, al parecer por otro colega de la fuerza de seguridad, por lo que se montó un operativo para dar con el autor del crimen, que se encuentra prófugo.
La víctima, Walter Benguria, un teniente que se desempañaba al frente de la oficina de judiciales de la comisaría 1º de Lomas de Zamora, fue acribillado con dos disparos de un arma reglamentaria en el barrio privado del gremio Unión Personal Civil de la Nación (UPCN).
Allí, al parecer acompañó a un colega que tenía problemas de adicción y según testigos del barrio una discusión entre ambos pudo generar el crimen del joven agente policial.
El jefe de la Superintendencia Zona Sur, Roberto Castronuovo, señaló esta mañana que "está avanzada la investigación y bastante clarificado en la causa el móvil del hecho y cuál es el autor" del crimen perpetrado durante la madrugada.
Detención. Esta tarde fuentes policiales aseguraron a lanacion.com que detuvieron a un hombre por el hecho. Según detallaron, para el arresto se constituyó una comisión integrada por la Departamental de Lanús y la Distrital de Almirante Brown que libró una orden de detención para el imputado destinada a los efectivos de la provincia de Santa Fe
Según informaron las fuentes consultadas el sospechoso fue seguido desde Retiro hasta la localidad de San Justo en esa provincia en donde se efectivizó el arresto en las primeras horas de esta tarde.
Por otra parte, la madre de Walter Benguria reclamó a la justicia el esclarecimiento del crimen y cuestionó a la fuerza de seguridad por no contener a los agentes que atraviesan situaciones problemáticas.
La mujer reveló que tiempo atrás fue asesinado su hijo mayor, que tenía 24 años y también era policía, y remarcó que ese caso "quedó sin justicia porque la persona que lo mató aún está en la fuerza".
Con esta nueva víctima, ya son ocho los policías bonaerenses asesinados en lo que va del año, en tanto que suman 15 si se tienen en cuenta los efectivos de la Policía Federal abatidos.
A person detained following the murder of another police officer in Buenos Aires Glew
The victim was shot twice from a service weapon, the scenarios point to a colleague of force and are 15 troops killed so far this year, police sources confirmed to the arrest lanacion.com
Sunday August 15, 2010
A Buenos Aires police, 23, was killed in a confusing episode in the town of Glew, apparently by a colleague of the security force, so that mounted an operation to find the perpetrator, who is a fugitive.
The victim, Walter Benguria, a lieutenant who serves as head of the office's judicial police 1 Lomas de Zamora, was gunned down with two shots from a gun regulation in the private neighborhood Guild Union Civilian Personnel Office (UPCN .)
There, apparently accompanied a colleague who had addiction problems and neighborhood witnesses said an argument between the two could have created the crime of the young police officer.
The head of the South Area Superintendent, Roberto Castronuovo said this morning that "it is quite advanced research and clarified in the case on a motive and what is the author of" The crime committed during the night.
Detention. This afternoon, police sources lanacion.com assured that a man arrested by the offense. As detailed, for the arrest constituted a committee formed by the Departmental and District Lanús Almirante Brown waged a warrant for the accused for the troops in the province of Santa Fe
According to the sources reported the suspect was followed from Retiro to the town of San Justo in the province where the arrest became effective in the early hours this afternoon.
Moreover, the mother of Walter Benguria justice demanded clarification of the crime and questioned by security force agents contain no crossing problem situations.
revealed that long ago murdered his eldest son, who was 24 and was also a policeman, and remarked that that case "was no justice because the person who killed him is still in force."
With this new victim, and Buenos Aires are eight policemen killed so far this year, up 15 while taking into account the Federal Police officers killed.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
kid cudi i ♥ you
first time i saw his day n nite video was on this blog (thanks sofi). ever since
♥ he has stolen my heart ♥
♥ he has stolen my heart ♥
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Sunday, 8 August 2010
modern nomad
at the moment, my life is a bit all over the place. not knowing where i'm going, what i'm doing, etc. all my things are packed in boxes and i spend half the time here, half the time there. i kind of feel like a modern nomad.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
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