Monday, 31 May 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
Whoop Whoop! Reader's mail
Anna Lena from Anna Lena and The Orchids
send us your favorite outfit at
when did you wear it and why?
peace in the middle east and in the world
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Monday, 24 May 2010
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Friday, 21 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Monday, 17 May 2010
yes, ica good... yyyy, ni oh viste!
casi me transo al patovica el otro dia, te jurp pense que era el hombre de mi vida
el de ali g?
uffffff noche de delirio todo empezo en un squat en la loma del orto (como siempre) y de repente en un callejon exploto el furor, nos encontramos las cuatro chichis en un camion pintado con los colores del arco iris que nos llevo hasta una caverna donde bailaban zombies. eso no fue todo, man, te lo juro de repente se abrio una puerta en la caverna y daba a un boliche que quedaba en miami con perras en celo con collares de perlas y diamantes, ahi el alcohol manaba a torrentes y cuando quisimos volver del otro lado no se podia, tuvimos que pasar por el VIP y a partir de ese momento tuvimos una botella de JB en la mano hasta que encontramos la salida. ahi conoci a gilles, el de securité, y por un momento crei que seria un buen padre para mis hijos, hasta que mathilde me grito veni a bailar con los zombies. ahi bailamos con la botella de JB o una jarra de jugo de naranja que encontramos hasta que los zombies se pusieron demasiado sedientos de nuestra frescura, y ahi agarramos y era domingo de ramos(pero hoy es sabado creo), flasheamos con un arbol que estaba pariendo en el medio de la autopista, y el cielo se teñìa dulcemente de azul eléctrico.
todo pura verdad
el de ali g?
uffffff noche de delirio todo empezo en un squat en la loma del orto (como siempre) y de repente en un callejon exploto el furor, nos encontramos las cuatro chichis en un camion pintado con los colores del arco iris que nos llevo hasta una caverna donde bailaban zombies. eso no fue todo, man, te lo juro de repente se abrio una puerta en la caverna y daba a un boliche que quedaba en miami con perras en celo con collares de perlas y diamantes, ahi el alcohol manaba a torrentes y cuando quisimos volver del otro lado no se podia, tuvimos que pasar por el VIP y a partir de ese momento tuvimos una botella de JB en la mano hasta que encontramos la salida. ahi conoci a gilles, el de securité, y por un momento crei que seria un buen padre para mis hijos, hasta que mathilde me grito veni a bailar con los zombies. ahi bailamos con la botella de JB o una jarra de jugo de naranja que encontramos hasta que los zombies se pusieron demasiado sedientos de nuestra frescura, y ahi agarramos y era domingo de ramos(pero hoy es sabado creo), flasheamos con un arbol que estaba pariendo en el medio de la autopista, y el cielo se teñìa dulcemente de azul eléctrico.
todo pura verdad
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Friday, 14 May 2010
the 90s were the bomb and other stuff that has been floating around my hangovered brain.
awesome or what? the 90s were mad.
it had been a while since a hadn't been out as an individual and i had forgotten that boys want to have sex with me quite badly. it made me happy and made me feel better about myself because i know that the only person i care about wanting to fuck me sometimes doesn't find me attractive and it's something that i don't know how to deal with. am i doing something wrong or people stop seeing who you are when they have you too close?
en argentina tambien hay musica punk / in argentina there is also punk music
(gracias dr. maglione).
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
about my birthday.

i've been thinking lately that i don't want to have any kind of birthday celebrations because i don't have many friends around and if i decide to do something, and then someone cannot make it, it will mean that it's going to be me practically on my own, singing happy birthday and feeling fucking depressed.
since i moved to europe, all my birthdays have been shit. in paris, because i was generally unhappy; in england, because i still haven't made many friends. yes, i do know that i should go out and try to make friends. but since mid 2007 my self-confidence has been none. why? long story. bottom line is: although i wasn't shy before, i am now.
i don't know what i want.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Cool Performance
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Unsteady written by Mosha Keat
Unsteady, sending colors out without a tongue to bring them back
Then, I think of your smooth frames and reaching form.
Mmm warm over layers of sheets and wet kisses.
Wet kisses wet kisses. Delicious memory...
We’re back in bed… the light changes from pink to orange to red.
Sweat, spit, wet- it all sticks
I’ll fill you with it so I’ll be familiar.
Mm lick it up and keep it for now
When it is no longer simple to have you
When the space between is too high and wide
and nothing could get me to you.
OO oo babe I want to give you my heat
Fill you with it so I’d be familiar. And everything really could be alright.
Alright alright
Your face really is the best when it comes to faces
Its yellow with green enough to reflect
Twighlight, late night, street lamps,
Then, I think of your smooth frames and reaching form.
Mmm warm over layers of sheets and wet kisses.
Wet kisses wet kisses. Delicious memory...
We’re back in bed… the light changes from pink to orange to red.
Sweat, spit, wet- it all sticks
I’ll fill you with it so I’ll be familiar.
Mm lick it up and keep it for now
When it is no longer simple to have you
When the space between is too high and wide
and nothing could get me to you.
OO oo babe I want to give you my heat
Fill you with it so I’d be familiar. And everything really could be alright.
Alright alright
Your face really is the best when it comes to faces
Its yellow with green enough to reflect
Twighlight, late night, street lamps,
Curved glass views of skin in motion.
You collect the light that falls on you
Warm soft glowing green with inflections of neon colors
Warm soft glowing green with inflections of neon colors
And I know what it’s like, alright
the recognition of the feeling,
the recognition of the feeling,
the projection of a piercing focus
(Such a well kept secret!)
With you, each time, I steal tiny tastes of it. Lemon-lime:
You don’t know but
everything really will be alright, alright.
Dance for me.
Unsteady, I like you so much that way
And me I’m smaller than I am
Leaning towards you
To hold your hand when the song says so
To graze your cheek with my finger or my lips to fill
Your hole.
I’ll fill you with it so I’ll be familiar.
And everything really would be alright alright.
Do you remember the time?
You go on and do your thing, love
Tie up loose strings, make tracks, leave marks with your colors.
And let them lead you back to you.
And me, I’ll know your coming back by
the gentle breeze you’ll bring,
Fresh air.
Remarkably unmarkable.
And everything really will be alright alright
Everything will be alright.
Still love, I’ll keep the heat for you for when you know it’s real.
And then you can tell me what color
it is. And it’s easy and it is
With you, each time, I steal tiny tastes of it. Lemon-lime:
You don’t know but
everything really will be alright, alright.
Dance for me.
Unsteady, I like you so much that way
And me I’m smaller than I am
Leaning towards you
To hold your hand when the song says so
To graze your cheek with my finger or my lips to fill
Your hole.
I’ll fill you with it so I’ll be familiar.
And everything really would be alright alright.
Do you remember the time?
You go on and do your thing, love
Tie up loose strings, make tracks, leave marks with your colors.
And let them lead you back to you.
And me, I’ll know your coming back by
the gentle breeze you’ll bring,
Fresh air.
Remarkably unmarkable.
And everything really will be alright alright
Everything will be alright.
Still love, I’ll keep the heat for you for when you know it’s real.
And then you can tell me what color
it is. And it’s easy and it is
Friday, 7 May 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
A Ride Into The Afterlife
Puerto Rican funeral home presents shooting victim on his motorcycle [w/video]
by Alex Nunez (RSS feed) on Apr 27th 2010 at 9:30PM
David Morales Colón's unusual wake. (Photo courtesy of Primera Hora) - Click above to watch video after the jump
If you thought you'd previously seen it all, well, you're wrong. Case in point: David Morales Colón, a 22-year-old Puerto Rican man who was shot to death last Thursday, and whose wake is now making headlines here in the United States mainland. How come? Well, suffice it to say that the funeral directors at Marin Funeral Home in San Juan's Hato Rey neighborhood have a flair for the unorthodox. For example, in 2008, they embalmed another young shooting victim and displayed his body standing up for the duration of a multi-day wake.
Back to the present: Yesterday and today, callers who stopped to pay their final respects to the late Mr. Colón got a bit of a surprise. Instead of the traditional presentation of the body in a casket, Mr. Colón's corpse, dressed in casual duds and sunglasses, was instead posed in a very lifelike position atop his Repsol-liveried Honda CBR600 F4. According to Puerto Rico's Primera Hora newspaper, the motorcycle was given to the victim by his uncle, and upon Mr. Colón's untimely demise, family members delivered the bike to the funeral home specifically for this unusual wake.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Love knows no barriers
A 72-YEAR-OLD granny is having an incestuous affair with her own GRANDSON — and the pair are set to have a BABY, according to reports.
Grey-haired Pearl Carter has allegedly began a bizarre relationship with her 26-year-old grandchild Phil Bailey.
Pearl, from Indiana, is now using her pension to pay $54,000 (£35,000) to a surrogate mother so they can have a child, say reports in New Idea magazine in New Zealand.
Pearl said: "I'm not interested in anyone else's opinion. I am in love with Phil and he's in love with me. Soon I'll be holding my son or daughter in my arms and Phil will be the proud dad."
The story has swept the internet.
Phil is the son of Pearl's daughter Lynette Bailey — who the pensioner put up for adoption when she was just 18, the magazine reported.
When Lynette died, Phil tracked down his long lost gran — 46 years his senior — and they started their strange relationship.
Pearl told New Idea: "From the first moment that I saw him, I knew we would never have a grandmother-grandson relationship. For the first time in years I felt sexually alive."
The pair spent their first week together shopping, bowling and eating out.
Pearl said: "I called Phil into my bedroom, sat him on the bed, and then I leant over and kissed him.
"I expected rejection but instead he kissed me back."
Phil told the magazine he had the same feelings towards Pearl.
He revealed: "I wanted to kiss her there and then. My feelings were overwhelming.
"I love Pearl with all my heart. I've always been attracted to older women and I think Pearl is gorgeous. Now I'm going to be a dad and I can't wait.
"Yes, we get laughed at and bullied when we go out and kiss in public but we don't care. You can't help who you fall for."
The pair have asked 30-year-old Roxanne Campbell to carry their child.
Pearl said: "I am finally going to be a mum and not forced to give up my child. Phil's going to be a great dad. I never in a million years thought at 72 I'd be 'pregnant' and in love with my grandson.
"I make no apologies and I believe God's given me a second chance."
Pearl says the relationship is not wrong after a friend told her about Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA) syndrome, which occurs when close relatives meet as adults and find they are attracted to each other.
She said: "I could now understand my feelings and realise they weren't wrong."
Pearl was 18 when she fell pregnant with daughter Lynette. She was living with her Catholic parents in Indiana and they insisted she give the baby away.
They organised a private adoption and Pearl never saw her baby girl again.
Pearl went on to marry but she never had any more children. Instead she searched for her lost daughter until finally giving up hope 15 years ago.
Phil met Pearl for the first time in 2006 after tracking her down when Lynette died from brain cancer.
Read more:
01-05-10 | MUNDO
Una anciana y su nieto, enamorados
La pareja confesó que mantiene una relación incestuosa desde hace cuatro años. "Por primera vez en años me sentí sexualmente viva", contó la mujer. Los detalles de la historia de amor
Una mujer de 72 años y su nieto de 26, de Indiana (Estados Unidos), han confesado públicamente su relación incestuosa de cuatro años y que esperan un bebé de una "madre de alquiler".
Según recogen varios medios, la mujer de nombre Pearl Carter invertirá 54.000 dólares de su pensión para cumplir su sueño y el de su nieto y pareja Phil Bailey.
"No me interesa la opinión de nadie. Estoy enamorada de Phil y él está enamorado de mí. Pronto tendremos en nuestros brazos mi hijo o hija y Phil será un padre orgulloso", declaró Carter.
Su bizarra historia de amor, que batalla contra tabúes como el incesto y que podría acarrearles problemas con la Justicia, se remonta a la muerte por cáncer de la madre de Phil, a la que Pearl dio en adopción cuando tenía 18 años.
Fue entonces cuando el joven decidió buscar a su abuela, a la que no conocía.
Tras la adopción, Pearl perdió la pista de su hija, se casó y nunca tuvo más hijos, aunque buscó a la suya durante quince años sin éxito.
La carta, que llegó a manos de su nieto después de que este pasara tres años buscando su dirección, la impresionó tanto como la fotografía que le envío por correo electrónico.
"Cuando me envió al correo electrónico una foto pensé que era un hombre guapo y atractivo antes de darme cuenta que era mi nieto", explicó.
Esta revelación la llevó a confesar su impresión a una amiga, quien le habló de un artículo sobre "Atracción Sexual Genética", que ocurre cuando parientes se conocen de adultos y sienten atracción mutuamente.
"Desde la primera vez que lo vi, sabía que nunca íbamos a tener una relación entre abuela y nieto. Por primera vez en años me sentí sexualmente viva", manifestó.
Phil confesó sentir los mismos sentimientos y después de una semana juntos saliendo al cine, a los bolos y a restaurantes, se declararon su amor y empezaron una relación sexual y sentimental.
Tres años después, ambos acordaron que querían formar una familia y decidieron publicar un anuncio en el que pedían una "madre de alquiler" con "una mente abierta".
Roxanne Campbell, de 30 años, se ofreció a este cometido y quedó embarazada con la compra de un óvulo donante y el esperma de Phil.
Ambos esperan felices al niño y Pearl cree que es "una segunda oportunidad" de Dios.
"Voy a ser finalmente una madre y no me forzarán a abandonar a mi hija", afirmó.
Fuente: EFE
where are my naked pictures?
i too want nice looking naked pictures of myself. i am going to ask my photographer boyfriend if he will do me the honours.
Monday, 3 May 2010
When weeks become a desert you need to go through
with no food no water no juice
till you get to the week ends or a holiday
where you lay in oasises and slippery jacuzzis
with bubbles and pearls
and glitter and girls
then you know you've got it
you've got the CHILLS
yeah girl it thrills you to dance till you bleed.
with no food no water no juice
till you get to the week ends or a holiday
where you lay in oasises and slippery jacuzzis
with bubbles and pearls
and glitter and girls
then you know you've got it
you've got the CHILLS
yeah girl it thrills you to dance till you bleed.
This shit is insane
This was shown to me by someone i really really liked.
Thinkin of you babe.
Gettin wet as i watch this.
Thinkin of you babe.
Gettin wet as i watch this.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
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